The data on the number of members of political parties announced by the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office of the Court of Cassation for the first week of each new year has been published for the year 2025. According to the announced data, the New Welfare Party was the party that increased its membership the most. With 365,767 members in 2024, the New Welfare Party nearly doubled its membership. The membership of the New Welfare Party was announced as 622,847. THE DECLINE IN İYİ PARTY CAUGHT ATTENTIONAccording to the announced data, the number of members lost by the İYİ Party also drew attention. The membership of the İYİ Party decreased from 508,578 in 2024 to 412,744. On the other hand, it was observed that the DEVA Party, which has 146,820 members, decreased to 134,025, the Future Party, which has 70,451 members, decreased to 64,389, and the Homeland Party, which has 66,738 members, decreased to 55,554. AKP MAINTAINED THE FIRST PLACEThe AK Party is in the position of the political party with the most members, with a total of 11,135,306 members. The Republican People's Party (CHP) follows with 1,531,944 members. Among the other parties with a group in the Parliament, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has 495,447 members, the DEM Party has 14,741 members, and the İYİ Party has 412,744 members. The membership numbers of the parties last year and in 2025 are as follows: 2024AK Party: 11,041,464 CHP: 1,428,800 YRP: 365,767 MHP: 486,896 İYİ Party: 508,578 DEVA Party: 146,820 Victory Party: 43,515 Homeland Party: 66,738 TİP: 43,206 DEM Party: 19,855 2025AK Party: 11,135,306 CHP: 1,531,944 YRP: 622,847 MHP: 495,447 İYİ Party: 412,744 DEVA Party: 134,025 Victory Party: 71,732 Homeland Party: 55,554 TİP: 44,077 DEM Party: 14,741