The DEM Party delegation held a 3-hour meeting with terrorist leader Abdullah Öcalan in Imralı on Saturday. After the meeting, the DEM Party delegation made a statement and shared the terrorist leader's 7-point message with the public. FIRST COMMENT RECEIVEDThe first comment from the Presidency regarding the meeting in Imralı came as well. Cevdet Yılmaz, the assistant to President Erdoğan, met with journalists after the New GAP Action Plan Consultation and this year's last Economic Coordination Board (EKK) meetings to answer questions on the agenda. "THE PRESENCE OF TERRORISM POISONS DEMOCRATIC POLITICS"Yılmaz used the following expressions regarding the meeting; "Mr. Bahçeli's perspective is very clear. A Turkey without terrorism and peaceful. You know the vision put forth by our President. One of the most important elements is the title 'The Century of Turkey will be the century of peace.' We want all our citizens to live in a democratic country in the way they feel most comfortable, equally and with dignity. The presence of terrorism poisons democratic politics. "WE CANNOT LEAVE THE SECURITY OF OUR COUNTRY TO OTHERS' CONTROL"Democratic politics ends where terrorism begins. As long as the shadow of terrorism is over political parties, it is not possible to talk about truly democratic politics. We desire a democracy that is not under the shadow of terrorism. We believe that Turkey deserves this. Turkey will continue on its path with an inclusive understanding of the nation that encompasses all these differences along with the richness it harbors. We have never had an approach that would leave the security of our country under the control of others. "THE FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM WILL CONTINUE UNINTERRUPTED"The Republic of Turkey will resolutely and uninterruptedly continue its fight against terrorism in every way, and no one should have any doubts about that. Of course, we wish that there would be no terrorist organization in front of us, and the need to fight against it would disappear; who wouldn't want that? In the upcoming processes, we will follow the developments together." Yılmaz, who stated that they have always been on the side of democracy and development, said that terrorism is the enemy of both democracy and development. Yılmaz said, "The environment where terrorism is eliminated will create a much more positive environment for both our country and for democracy and development in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia."