The Erzurum police pursued H.Ç., who had arrest warrants for many crimes, as he tried to escape on horseback in rural areas. With the help of an aircraft and pedestrian teams, the pursuit, which resembled a movie, ended with the suspect being captured. SUSPECT WITH A 14-YEAR PRISON SENTENCE TRIED TO ESCAPE ON HORSEBACKAs a result of the operations carried out by the Erzurum Provincial Police Department Intelligence Branch, Aviation Branch, Special Operations Branch, and Karaçoban District Police Department to apprehend wanted individuals; H.Ç., who had arrest warrants for "Aggravated Robbery" by the Patnos Execution Office, "Threatening with a Firearm by Multiple Persons" by the Hınıs Execution Office, and "Escape of a Convict or Detainee" by the Patnos 1st Criminal Court, and who had a total of 14 years and 11 days of final prison sentence, was captured. H.Ç., who tried to lose his trail in rural areas on horseback, was captured as a result of the persistent efforts of the police. These moments were recorded second by second from the air. The suspect was brought before the judicial authorities.