The Ministry of Trade continues its inspections. The ministry has decided to withdraw many products that threaten human health from the market. The ministry has made important warnings, especially regarding certain clothing, plush toys, and children's clothing products. The withdrawn products have been published through the Unsafe Product Information System (GÜBİS). MARKET SUPPLY HAS BEEN PROHIBITEDThe ministry has decided to prohibit the supply and withdraw from the market of the "Relaxion" branded primary school bag due to the chemical and health risks it carries. NEGATIVE RESULTS WERE OBTAINED FROM TESTSThe ministry announced that the product carries chemical risks and that "Stay" results were obtained from ecological tests, stating that the decision was made in accordance with the "Law No. 7223 on Product Safety and Technical Regulations, Regulation on Market Surveillance and Inspection of the Ministry of Trade, Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals, Regulation on Persistent Organic Pollutants."