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The pain doesn't subside! Devastated by the death of Cüneyt Arkın, his wife became a shadow of her former self: I lost weight up to 40 kilograms.

The pain doesn't subside! Devastated by the death of Cüneyt Arkın, his wife became a shadow of her former self: I lost weight up to 40 kilograms.

27.06.2024 18:40

Betül Cüreklibatır, who played the lead role in over 300 films and left a mark on Yeşilçam, went through difficult times after the death of Cüneyt Arkın. She lost up to 40 kilograms. Cüreklibatır, who says she misses Arkın very much, said, "I went into depression after losing him, I received treatment."

Cüneyt Arkın, who left his mark on Yeşilçam and played the lead role in over 300 films throughout his life, passed away at the age of 85 on June 28, 2022, due to a cardiac arrest. Betül Cüreklibatır, who was devastated by the death of her life partner of 55 years, said that she has been rapidly losing weight and going through difficult times psychologically.


Cüreklibatır, expressing how much she misses Cüneyt Arkın, said, "I didn't change our house because it has memories. I see him everywhere I look. The corner he sat in, where he wrote and painted... I chose to live with memories but I'm in pain." Emphasizing their 55-year history with Arkın, Cüreklibatır said, "We met on June 1st, it's our anniversary of meeting. We never celebrated wedding anniversaries or anything like that. The day we met was very important to us. We experienced our childhood, youth, and old age together, we shared our lives."

Betül Cüreklibatır, Life Partner of Cüneyt Arkın, Describes What She Experienced After the Death of the Master Actor


Cüreklibatır emphasized that Cüneyt Arkın was a loving spouse who expressed his love very well, and said that he used to decorate every corner of their house with daisies on the anniversary of their meeting, and she was deeply affected by it. Saying "We were people who found happiness in small things," Betül Cüreklibatır conveyed Arkın's life philosophy with these words: "He didn't like showiness. Those who knew Cüneyt would know. He never bought anything new before something got old. He never rode luxury cars, never lived in huge villas. We had a very happy life together. I miss him a lot. He was a very good, extraordinary father. The love of the people meant a lot to him. Not money, not fame... I go to his grave and see crowds of people. People put roses on his grave. The love people have for him makes me very happy. He was a man of the people, a patriot."

Betül Cüreklibatır, Life Partner of Cüneyt Arkın, Describes What She Experienced After the Death of the Master Actor


Cüreklibatır also mentioned Arkın's dreams, saying that he wanted to have a farm and raise animals like goats, sheep, and dogs on the farm. Regarding their meeting story, Cüreklibatır said, "Our meeting story is very beautiful. We met at a meeting. He liked that I was calm and didn't pay attention to anyone. It was his most famous time. He was intrigued by the fact that I wasn't interested in him. He came to me and said, 'What's wrong with you, why are you so sad?' After that, we met and loved each other very much."

Betül Cüreklibatır, Life Partner of Cüneyt Arkın, Describes What She Experienced After the Death of the Master Actor


Cüreklibatır emphasized that she went through very difficult times after Arkın's death, saying, "I went into depression once after Cüneyt's death, I received treatment. I lost weight up to 40 kilos. It was terrible. Now I'm trying to recover. The children were very attached to their father. I'm slowly recovering thanks to them. I have to recover. I don't want my children to lose me," she said.

Betül Cüreklibatır, Life Partner of Cüneyt Arkın, Describes What She Experienced After the Death of the Master Actor

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