The salary increase rate for 2025, which concerns millions of employees and retirees in Turkey, has come into effect. The circular regarding the increase in salaries for civil servants and retired civil servants was signed by the Minister of Treasury and Finance, Mehmet Şimşek. It has been confirmed that a 11.54% increase will be applied to contracted personnel, civil servants, and retired civil servants. The circular that formalized the decision was signed by the Minister of Treasury and Finance, Mehmet Şimşek. According to the circular, the increase to be given to civil servants and retired civil servants, the ceiling wage amounts for contracted personnel, the annual ceiling amount for severance pay, and the net monthly amount paid to the Branch Manager in the first degree, first step of the General Administrative Services Class under Law No. 3628 have been announced. It was reported in the published circular regarding the decision that the ceiling for severance pay is also 46,655 lira and 43 kuruş.