The series "Yalı Çapkını," starring Afra Saraçoğlu and Mert Ramazan Demir, has recently been in the spotlight for its scenes containing violence and sexuality. The rape scene in the episode that aired last night outraged viewers.
In the series, the character Abidin had the character Ifakat kidnapped. The woman character, who was held captive and had her hands tied, was subjected to violence and torture. The scene where the character Karam enters and tears Ifakat's clothes with a knife to rape her drew significant backlash.
Users expressed their reactions to the scene with statements like, "Ifakat's scene is downright disgraceful! As we say 'no to violence against women,' you keep making such scenes... you are disgraceful.", "They do everything for ratings, but it's a pity that the ratings keep falling. You deserve it.", "Ifakat's scene is downright disgraceful!", "The epitome of disgrace" and "Please, we no longer want to see immoral relationships within families in series. What kind of corruption is this? We want to draw attention to this issue for the series producers."
The relationship between the uncle and the sister-in-law in the 89th episode of the series also received significant backlash from viewers. The character Suna, who confessed that she liked Ferit a lot, got close to her uncle. The audience of Yalı Çapkını, who wanted to believe that the scene shown in the trailer was a dream, was outraged when they saw that the scene was real at the end of the episode and made reaction-filled posts on their social media accounts.