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The schedule of matches for the Queens of Volleyball team at the Paris Olympics has been announced.

The schedule of matches for the Queens of Volleyball team at the Paris Olympics has been announced.

27.06.2024 20:27

The match schedule of the National Women's Volleyball Team, which will compete in the Paris Olympic Games to be held in France from July 27th to August 11th, has been announced. The Filenin Sultanları, who are in Group C along with Italy, the Netherlands, and the Dominican Republic, will play their first match against the Netherlands on Monday, July 29th at 10:00.

The schedule of the Turkish National Women's Volleyball Team, which will compete in the Paris Olympic Games to be held from July 27 to August 11, hosted by France, has been announced.


The Filenin Sultanları (Queens of the Net) will compete against Italy, the Netherlands, and the Dominican Republic in Group C during the group stage of the Paris Olympic Games.


The Filenin Sultanları will play three matches in the group stage, and their match schedule is as follows:

July 29, Monday

10.00: Turkey vs. the Netherlands

August 1, Thursday

10.00: Turkey vs. the Dominican Republic

August 4, Sunday

10.00: Turkey vs. Italy

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