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The young girl was murdered by her brothers, and the chilling footage of the crime has emerged.

The young girl was murdered by her brothers, and the chilling footage of the crime has emerged.

03.08.2024 13:23

A 19-year-old young man was killed with a pump-action shotgun in Gaziantep. Terrifying footage of the incident has emerged. The family tearfully demanded the capture and punishment of the suspects. Police teams have initiated efforts to apprehend the fugitive suspects following the incident.

Shocking footage of the moment a 19-year-old young man was killed with a pump-action rifle in Gaziantep has emerged. The horrifying moment of the young man being shot multiple times with a pump-action rifle while lying on the ground was captured on camera, as the grieving family shed tears and demanded the capture of the killer suspects and their deserved punishment.

The incident took place on July 25, 2024, in the Fıstıklık neighborhood of Şehitkamil district. According to allegations, Mehmet S., the father of 18-year-old İlhan Eren Hanzade's girlfriend, came to the workplace where İlhan Eren Hanzade worked and asked him to inform his family. When Father İlhan Hanzade, 19-year-old Süleyman Şahin Hanzade, and İlhan Eren Hanzade arrived at the scene to talk, they were attacked by the armed assault of Mustafa S., Bilal S., and Father Mehmet S., the brothers of the girl.


The moment Süleyman Şahin Hanzade, who collapsed on the ground injured in the attack, was shot multiple times with a pump-action rifle from close range, was captured second by second on a mobile phone camera. While Süleyman Şahin Hanzade lost his life in the incident, Father İlhan Hanzade and his other son, 18-year-old İlhan Eren Hanzade, were injured. Following the incident, the police initiated an investigation to capture the fugitive suspects, while the attacked family demanded the immediate capture of the suspects.


Father İlhan Hanzade, stating that they went to the scene to talk and that he learned that his son was killed without their knowledge, said, "My son and the girl were in a relationship, and they had previously called and said let's talk. So we went to the shop after this incident. Before that, they had come to the shop where my son worked and threatened him. They started shooting before my two sons even got off the car. At that moment, when I heard gunshots, I ran towards there, and they shot me, my son, and my deceased son to kill us. After shooting my deceased son, they came back to where he was lying and fired 3 more shots. They shot İlhan Eren, my son, 3-4 more times, and they shot me twice. We don't know them. We don't have any problems with them, but I don't know what kind of problem they had among themselves. My deceased son Süleyman Şahin Hanzade was only there to protect his brother. He had absolutely no connection or guilt in this incident. They set an ambush to kill me, my son, and my deceased son by coming to my son's shop, threatening and saying let's kill not only him but also the others. The whereabouts of the perpetrators of the incident are unknown, we want justice," he said.

Young girl was murdered by her brothers, horrifying footage of the murder emerged


Mother Nergis Hanzade said, "I know that my children and their father went there to talk and were ambushed. My innocent son Süleyman Şahin was murdered for no reason. This is madness and barbarity. He was the brother of İlhan Eren. Everyone has a girlfriend. İlhan Eren's father also went there to talk. We didn't know that my son İlhan Eren was being threatened so much. They were prepared. His mother had said many times that blood would be shed. We didn't know about this situation. We went there to talk, and this is the result. The girl came to our door a few times. I told her, 'Go, you're a girl, don't come, your family is not easy, this is about honor, don't come.' I told her not to provoke them even if they were talking. After all, my son is not the only one with a girlfriend. All young people have girlfriends. She didn't say anything to me, saying 'My family didn't say anything to me.' They set an ambush to kill not only my son but also the others by coming to my son's shop, threatening and saying let's kill not only him but also the others. One life should not be so cheap. I want justice to be served. I don't want the culprits to walk freely outside," she said.


18-year-old İlhan Eren Hanzade, who survived the attack, said, "I had a one-year relationship. During this time, my shop was raided. They threatened me, but I never conveyed it to my family, saying that we would face each other someday. Whenever I wanted to break up with this girl, she would harm herself. I couldn't bear it and, out of conscience, I would stand by her and not break up with her. She never told me what her family thought. She didn't tell me that there were ammunition and guns inside their shop. We always talked secretly. We had a distant relationship. When I became her boyfriend, her family found out within 3-4 months. They beat up this girl and sent her to a dormitory. While she was in the dormitory, they said, 'If you don't complain about your family, I won't let you out.' The girl was trying to reach me. I couldn't reach her. On the other hand, they were also threatening me and my family. After leaving the dormitory, we kept some distance. She was living with her grandmother in Nizip. When her mother came to my shop and threatened me, I told my family about the incident. I wasn't even at the scene at the time of the incident. My motorcycle was being repaired, and I went to pick it up. My brother and I were working in the same place. When I went there, the man who called us to talk took out his gun and fired 3 shots. Two hit my hand, and one grazed my body. They chased me inside the market later. When I ran to the back of the market, they turned back to where the incident happened. They shot my brother, my father, and me with the guns there and the guns brought by their mother in a deadly way. Then they got in the car and drove away from the scene. My brother had nothing to do with the incident. He was only there to protect me. He was there to be by my side," he said.

Young girl was murdered by her brothers, horrifying footage of the murder emerged

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