19.12.2024 07:20
In Aksaray, lively moments occurred during the night hours. A vehicle, which was wanted to be stopped on suspicion and whose driver was found to be under the influence of alcohol, crashed while trying to escape from the police. The intoxicated driver, who resisted the police, was handcuffed. The defiant drunk driver threatened to complain about the police to the governor.
A driver who got behind the wheel with a blood alcohol level of 2.20 promille in Aksaray and crashed while fleeing from the police caused a long struggle for the officers. The intoxicated driver threatened to report the police officers to the governor.
The incident occurred at a gas station on the Aksaray-Ankara highway. According to the information obtained, the Regional Traffic Inspection Branch team of the Provincial Police Department stopped a vehicle on suspicion during a routine patrol. Instead of hitting the brakes and stopping, the driver preferred to accelerate and flee, crashing into another vehicle at the gas station while police teams pursued him. As the intoxicated driver turned onto a side road shortly after getting onto the Aksaray-Ankara highway, he crashed into the sidewalk and then into a traffic sign. This time, the driver, who tried to escape on foot after getting out of the vehicle, was caught by the police teams' immediate intervention. Despite being caught, the driver S.A., who insisted that he was not the driver, began a complete test of patience with the police.
The intoxicated driver, who made it difficult for the police, also uttered unreasonable words against the officers. Reacting to the police teams carrying out their duties, the intoxicated driver S.A. said, "What did we do, man? I'm sorry, if you caught a terrorist, you wouldn't treat him like this, I'm sorry, chief. I'm calm, it can happen. I didn't harm anyone, I didn't do anything." He then insisted that he wasn't driving the car, telling the police officers: "I'm not driving the car. Brother, I'm not driving the car. I'm going, there's no concept that you can stop me. The vehicle is on me, the guy fled while intoxicated. I have no criminal element. You can't stop me here. This guy hit the car, fled, and left. I stayed here. I wasn't driving this car. Let's not tire each other."
The driver, who constantly stated that he wasn't driving the vehicle and wanted to leave the scene, was prevented by the patient efforts of the police teams. When the officers could not resolve the situation with sweet words after long efforts, they took the driver by the arm and brought him to the police car. The intoxicated driver, who was raining down orders on the police officers, continued to shout at them, and was handcuffed with his hands behind his back on the hood of the police car. After being lifted from the hood, the driver threatened the police officers, saying, "When I go to my esteemed governor tomorrow, you will say 'We did these actions,' and you will also say these words." Despite the police still trying to get the driver into the vehicle with sweet words, the driver responded to the request for his ID by shouting, "What are you going to do with my ID?" After getting into the vehicle, he scolded the police officers, saying, "Shut up, stop talking, shut up."
The driver, who refused to blow into the breathalyzer, was taken into custody by the police teams and taken to the Emergency Department of Aksaray Training and Research Hospital. After being examined there, it was determined that the driver had a blood alcohol level of 2.20 promille in the blood test conducted. The driver was fined for driving under the influence, and the vehicle was towed to the parking lot by a tow truck.