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Vice President Yılmaz: We will see a significant decline in inflation in September.

Vice President Yılmaz: We will see a significant decline in inflation in September.

27.06.2024 22:20

Deputy President Cevdet Yılmaz made statements regarding the most important issue of the citizens, inflation, during a live broadcast he attended. Yılmaz stated, "We expect to see decreases in annual inflation starting from June. Therefore, we will enter a disinflation period with June. We will see that this accelerates even more in July and August. By the time we reach September, we will see that today's figure has significantly declined."

In a live broadcast he attended, Deputy President Cevdet Yılmaz made statements about inflation. He said, "We expect to see decreases in annual inflation starting from June. Therefore, we will enter a disinflation period with June. We will see that this accelerates even more in July and August. When we come to September, we will see that today's figure has significantly declined."


Deputy President Cevdet Yılmaz made statements in a live broadcast on CNN Türk. Speaking about inflation and cost of living, Yılmaz stated that a significant decline will be seen in September.


Yılmaz said the following: "Last year, in September, we set a medium-term program. We presented a 3-year program. Three periods were considered. One transition period, two disinflation periods, three stability periods. We believe that we have left the transition period behind after May. We expect to see decreases in annual inflation starting from June. Therefore, we will enter a disinflation period with June.

Deputy President Yılmaz: We will see a significant decline in inflation in September
Deputy President Cevdet Yılmaz


We will see that this accelerates even more in July and August. When we come to September, we will see that today's figure has significantly declined. We believe that we will also leave the disinflation period behind after May. Then the period of price stability will come.


Turkey is progressing in the right direction in terms of budget deficit, current account deficit, growth, and employment. The Central Bank has reserves of 147.6 billion dollars. It was around 90 billion dollars last year. We can say that there has been a significant improvement. Turkey is progressing in a healthy way. We are now in a position to fight inflation on a solid ground. Our main goal is to permanently increase social welfare. Therefore, we continue this fight within this framework. We are in a position to build a higher value-added economy.

We will update our planning program in September, but the main framework will not change. There have been changes in Turkey and the world in one year. In the light of these developments, we will update the macroeconomic data of the OVP. When preparing the OVP last year, we resorted to common sense. We created this program by consulting many sectors. When updating, we will update it by consulting as well. Turkey's structural transformation, the idea of building a high value-added economy will continue."

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