In the ongoing trial regarding the murder of 8-year-old Narin Güran in Diyarbakır, mother Yüksel Güran made her defense today. Lawyer Bedia Teymur, the Editor-in-Chief of, explained mother Yüksel Güran's defense in the court session on the YouTube channel. YÜKSEL GÜRAN: I WAS VERY HAPPY THAT MORNING"Mother Yüksel Güran has been sitting in the defendant's chair for two days, listening to the other testimonies. We witnessed her constantly sobbing and crying. The mother first talked about the accusations against her. She described the last time she saw Narin, which was really emotional," Teymur said, "She started by saying that she was very happy that morning. Because, as far as I understand, her children were outside that day. 'All my children were together, they were sleeping on the roof. I was very happy. I got up early in the morning, picked tomatoes from the garden, and prepared breakfast with the tomatoes. We had breakfast together. I was very happy, then I got Narin ready and sent her to the Quran Course. Narin wanted potatoes, and I gave her potatoes. She ate her meal, then hugged me and hugged her brother. Then I never saw Narin again,' she cried out. She swore that Narin never set foot in the house again. That day, Narin had asked her mother for a hairpin and a wedding dress. And later, she said very sadly that she didn't know what happened to Narin," he expressed. "I THOUGHT SHE WAS KIDNAPPED"Teymur continued, saying, "She said she thought Narin was kidnapped or lost. 'I didn't even consider the possibility that she could be dead,' she said. She frequently turned to Nevzat Bahtiyar and cursed him. 'This man grew up in our house. There has never been violence in our home for 22 years. What happened that I would pull Narin into such a brutality? I am a mother,' she said," he stated. Relaying mother Güran's words, Teymur said that Güran stated, "They call us rich, but we cultivate our field and pay the bank. We harvested this year, but we couldn't benefit from it. We were such a family. I raised my children in poverty." "NEVZAT BAHTİYAR IS THE KILLER OF THE GÜRAN FAMILY"Teymur used the following statements: "She talked about the hair strands found in Narin's hands. 'They say they belong to us, but,' she said, opening her head, 'Please take a look, I had dyed my hair for the first time before this incident.' It was also reflected in the media that Narin's hair was seen as blonde in the photos during the times she was missing. 'This hair strand does not belong to me,' she said. She expressed her grievances to the press. 'They are executing me with a lot of prejudice,' she said. 'They say I don't feel sad or cry. I carried Narin in my womb for 9 months, how could I not be sad?' she said. Turning to Nevzat Bahtiyar, she said, 'This man was among us for 50 years, he was in our midst. He didn't just kill Narin; he is the killer of the entire Güran family. For 15 years, his water would flow from our house.'