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While Netanyahu was speaking at the Congress, protesters burned the American flag.

While Netanyahu was speaking at the Congress, protesters burned the American flag.

25.07.2024 10:11

In Washington DC, while Netanyahu was speaking in Congress, anti-Israel protesters burned the American flag and challenged the police line. The protesters took down American flags and raised Palestinian flags. Slogans such as "No justice, no peace", "Palestine will be free", and "Intifada" were shouted. Security was increased and six people were arrested. Netanyahu's fourth speech in Congress set a record. During the incident, the Christopher Columbus statue was vandalized and anti-Israel writings were scribbled around.

While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was addressing Congress in Washington DC, anti-Israel protesters burned the US flag and attempted to breach the Capitol Police line. When the protests escalated, the police had to use pepper spray.

The protesters took down American flags near Union Station and replaced them with Palestinian flags, and some American flags were burned. A Hamas flag was also seen in the crowd.

The demonstrators chanted slogans such as "No justice, no peace", "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free", and "Intifada". Many carried signs accusing Israel of committing "genocide" in Gaza.

Security measures were increased around the Capitol. The protesters vandalized the Christopher Columbus statue and wrote messages such as "Hamas is coming" and "F*ck Israel" in the surrounding area.

Throughout the night, anti-Israel activists painted a city fountain red and left bugs in the hotel where the Israeli delegation was staying.

Iman Potter, who participated in the protests, said she was "horrified" by Netanyahu's speech in Congress and criticized the government.

There were also protests inside Congress, and six people were arrested. This speech was Netanyahu's fourth address to Congress, setting a record. Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with President Biden on Thursday and former President Trump on Friday. Cop

Protesters burning the US flag while Netanyahu speaks in Congress
Protesters burning the US flag while Netanyahu speaks in Congress
Protesters burning the US flag while Netanyahu speaks in Congress

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