Madonna continues to share bold photos despite being 66 years old. In the photos she posted on Instagram on Tuesday, she showed off her black lace thong while wearing fishnet stockings and a black corset. She also struck poses wearing a gray cowboy hat and a black jacket. In her post, Madonna mentioned bidding farewell to summer and also shared photos taken with her horse, Roller. The singer, seen at the horse farm in a vibrant pink transparent dress, also mentioned considering getting a new horse. Another notable aspect in Madonna's photos was her flawless-looking skin. Posing with her blonde hair and impressive makeup, the singer appeared much younger than her age. This post came shortly after Madonna celebrated her twin daughters Estere and Stella's 12th birthday. The birthday party, held last week, included activities such as water slides, arts and crafts, and horseback riding. Madonna's personal life also draws attention. Her new boyfriend is 28-year-old football player Akeem Morris. Despite the 38-year age difference, the couple recently went on vacation in Italy. Madonna has four other children: Lourdes (27), Rocco (24), David (18), and Mercy (18). Stella and Estere were adopted from Malawi in 2017. The singer continues to make headlines with her younger boyfriends. Prior to Akeem, she was in a relationship with Josh Popper, who is 36 years younger than her. Madonna announced her new relationship for the first time on July 4th during Independence Day celebrations.