The legendary figure of Arabesque music, Ferdi Tayfur, passed away on January 2 at the hospital where he was receiving treatment in Antalya. A dispute arose at the funeral following a memorial ceremony held for the artist at the Atatürk Cultural Center. During the argument between Şirin Gözalıcı, who shouted "She won't come here," and Tuğçe Tayfur, insults were exchanged. While Tuğçe Tayfur, who was being calmed down by her mother Necla Nazır, did not make any statement, Necla Nazır had made a statement. "HOW CAN I DEAL WITH ROTTEN PEOPLE?"Nazır made the following statement regarding the incident: "Now I want to say this to Ferdi Tayfur's fans; Someone shouted from there, 'Why didn't you come to the hospital?' The reason we didn't come was already very clear. How can I deal with rotten people anymore? They did this at the funeral; how can we go to the hospital? People do not know the true nature of what we experienced. They speak from memory; whatever they publish, we respond to that. We have remained silent all the time. We have no issues with anyone. But they made it seem like my child and her father were enemies. There is no such thing. I mean, her father..." ŞİRİN GÖZALICI: YOU CLOSED THAT BOOKŞirin Gözalıcı, Ferdi Tayfur's press advisor and niece, responded to Nazır by quoting a message shared by the artist's fan page: "Necla Nazır, you can no longer say anything to Ferdi Tayfur's fans. That page is now closed. You closed that book with the video you shared on social media while Ferdi Baba was alive."