Soner Koçak, who lives in a single-story detached house in the Barış neighborhood of the Seyhan district in Adana, wanted to wake up his father Ömer Faruk Koçak (68) and his mother Semiha Koçak (64), who were sleeping in the living room. Noticing that his mother and father were motionless and that blood was coming from their mouths, Koçak reported the situation to the 112 Emergency Health teams. The medical team dispatched to the scene determined that the couple had passed away. IT WAS LEARNED THAT THE DECEASED MAN TOLD HIS WIFE "I WILL CLEAN THE STOVE PIPE TOMORROW" A DAY BEFOREIt was determined that the couple was poisoned by carbon monoxide gas leaking from the stove that was lit in the room at night. It was learned that Ömer Faruk Koçak, who noticed that the stove's pipe was clogged a day before, told his wife, "I will clean the stove pipe tomorrow." After the police's investigation at the scene, the couple's bodies were taken to the Adana Forensic Medicine Institute morgue for autopsy.