It has been claimed that Galatasaray's star football player Barış Alper Yılmaz has embarked on a new romance. Yılmaz, who was spotted leaving a venue with his teammate Metehan Baltacı and three female friends, is said to be starting a new love. CAPTIVATING BEAUTYFollowing this bombshell news in the magazine world, the alleged girlfriend Simge Esin has become a topic of curiosity. Some fans rushed to Simge Esin's profile. WHO IS SIMGE ESİN?Simge Esin, who graduated from Bahçeşehir University with a degree in Cinema and Television in 2021, completed her 3-month internship at TV8, owned by Acun Ilıcalı. It was learned that Simge worked as a brand manager at The Kingdom Istanbul for 1 year and 1 month before transitioning to modeling. Simge Esin, who also speaks English, has reportedly modeled for many brands.