In Istanbul, a criminal organization led by 'Aziz İhsan Aktaş' has been investigated for organizing tender processes by bribing mayors and senior officials of municipalities, ensuring that tenders are awarded to their own companies. As a result, a detention order has been issued for 47 individuals. Security teams that initiated the operation detained 40 suspects. Among those detained was Beşiktaş Mayor Rıza Akpolat. CONFESSION-LIKE STATEMENTS FROM CHP MEMBER: WE ALL KNEW HE WOULD BE TAKENLinda Gözde Karasu, the CHP Istanbul Provincial Women's Branch Chair candidate, made confession-like statements following the detention of Beşiktaş Mayor Rıza Akpolat. Sharing a video on social media, Karasu, who appeared to be quite angry, stated, "We all knew that Rıza Akpolat would be taken due to the irregularities he committed related to the municipality. I mean, it was being talked about, 'They will definitely take him now. This can't go on like this,' and the events we said were happening in the municipality." "DOESN'T THE GOVERNMENT KNOW ABOUT THE TURNING WHEELS?"Karasu continued her remarks as follows: "You know this. Isn't there an AK Party council member there? Don't they know? Doesn't the government know this? I mean, if it were not the AK Party in the government, would another party not know about the turning wheels here?" "IF THEY DRIVE ME CRAZY, I'LL PULL THE STRINGS OF THEM ALL"Expressing that she knows a lot about the subject, Karasu stated, "They shouldn't try to take action against me. They shouldn't drive me crazy; I can also get involved with them, and I'll pull the strings of them all."