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First comment on the stray dog regulation passed by the Turkish Grand National Assembly from Özel: We will go to the Constitutional Court.

First comment on the stray dog regulation passed by the Turkish Grand National Assembly from Özel: We will go to the Constitutional Court.

30.07.2024 08:11

CHP leader Özgür Özel made his first evaluation after the regulation, which includes the euthanization of stray dogs, passed through the Turkish Parliament and became law. Özel stated that CHP municipalities will resist the implicit message of the law, which is "if you can't solve this problem, you will be penalized, so go ahead and commit a massacre," and they will never comply with this hidden instruction. He also said that they will take the law to the Constitutional Court.

CHP Leader Özgür Özel stated that they will take the Law on Amendments to the Animal Protection Law, which includes regulations for stray animals, to the Constitutional Court without breaking their HTML, and said, "This is already our duty. We will do this as soon as possible and with a request for suspension of execution."

Özel answered the questions of the press members in the lobby after the law proposal regarding stray animals was accepted in the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Özel stated that the law is clearly contrary to the Constitution, does not defend the right to life, and therefore they will evaluate the process with the Constitutional Court. Özel, stating that they will work on the issue, said, "A healthy environment right is necessary for people. Especially considering that vaccinated stray dogs serve as a barrier against diseases such as rabies between wildlife and urban life, a great risk has been taken in terms of public health. We will evaluate all of them together and take the law to the Constitutional Court. This is already our duty. We will do this as soon as possible and with a request for suspension of execution."


Özel, who said, "The Constitutional Court has not implemented the suspension of execution decision, which is an important gain for us, in all our applications for four and a half years," expressed his hope that the Constitutional Court will give up on this. Özel thanked everyone who objected to the law, opposition deputies, and especially the CHP group, and said; "Our group has been defending what they believe to be right with an incredible performance for two and a half months and preventing mistakes. If it were not for the superior efforts and determination of the CHP group, euthanasia would have passed. The opposition merged with social sensitivity. There have been many steps back. The whole law is still very dangerous, but its initial form was a direct massacre law. It is necessary to see this with the great efforts of the opposition and our group."


Özel stated that CHP municipalities will resist the "hidden, that is, 'you cannot solve this problem, if you cannot solve it, you will be penalized, come and commit a massacre' call of the law, and will never comply with the hidden instructions of this law." Özel used the following statements:

"In the future process, we will do more than our share in terms of building shelters, vaccinating, neutering, and adopting. However, it is not possible to fully fulfill this burden with the power of the municipality and in such impossibilities. From now on, today's irresponsible legislative understanding is responsible for every negativity that will arise. But our municipalities will continue to do what is necessary on their part, just as they have done so far."

Özel stated that the CHP group will have a closed meeting and will make a thank-you speech to the deputies at the meeting, and said, "Deputies do not have a vacation, they have summer work. We will make a brief evaluation regarding the summer work."

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