In the city of Miragoane, located in the Nippes region in southern Haiti, an oil tanker in motion exploded after colliding with a vehicle. According to local sources, after the accident, dozens of people gathered around the vehicle to collect the leaked fuel from the tanker, and an explosion occurred at that moment. It was reported that 24 people, including 3 women and a child, lost their lives in the incident, while 40 people were injured. BURNED TO DEATHHaitian Prime Minister Garry Conille visited the scene and received information from officials. Conille stated that the seriously injured were evacuated by helicopter and said, "It was a horrific incident we just experienced. Dozens of people were severely burned." In a similar incident that occurred in Cap-Haitien, Haiti in December 2021, 90 people lost their lives as a result of an explosion while trying to collect leaked fuel from a tanker involved in an accident.