The "Gassal" series, broadcast on TRT's digital platform Tabii, draws attention to the gassals while also bringing to light the challenges they face due to their profession. Gassal Adil Savaş, who works under the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Cemetery Department, shared his experiences regarding the attitudes and comments he encounters in daily life. Adil Savaş, who has been practicing the profession of gassal for 17 years, stated that it is difficult to perform this job without love. He mentioned that they wash dozens of deceased individuals every day, emphasizing that both physical and psychological resilience are important aspects of their profession. Savaş, who initially struggled with sleeping and eating in the early years of his career, expressed that he gradually got used to it and grew to love his job. He stated that providing support to the relatives of the deceased during their hardest days brings them spiritual happiness. "PEOPLE'S BEHAVIOR CHANGES WHEN I TELL THEM MY PROFESSION"Savaş stated that the profession of gassal has come to the forefront due to the series broadcast on "Tabii," and that this interest in their work makes them happy. He expressed discomfort with the general perception of gassals as objects of fear in society, saying, "I feel anxious when I mention my profession to anyone outside the mortuary in my daily life. I often find myself indecisive about whether to mention my profession when talking to people. Sometimes they ask what I do, and I don't know what to say at that moment. When I say I'm a gassal, people shudder, and their behavior changes. They think of the one who washes the deceased, and it makes them uneasy." he said. "A BEAUTIFUL JOB FOR BOTH THIS WORLD AND THE HEREAFTER"Savaş emphasized that the reactions they receive have somewhat decreased thanks to the series, and that interest in the profession of gassal has even increased. He continued his remarks by saying, "People's perspective on gassals can sometimes be disturbing, but this will change over time. When you work in a workplace or a factory, you receive the reward for your labor through your salary. However, we receive both the reward for our labor and the prayers of the families of the deceased. When we wash their loved ones, people pray, saying 'May Allah be pleased with you.' It is a beautiful job for both this world and the hereafter. We recommend it to everyone who can do it."