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"He said, 'You can't escape from the Turkish police,' let's see how he got caught this time."

10.09.2024 02:10

Approximately 3.5 months ago, the driver who was caught after fleeing from the police while driving under the influence of alcohol said, "You can't escape from the Turkish police." This time, the same driver was caught with drugs in the same vehicle. When the shameless driver was taken into custody, he also didn't like the seat he was going to sit in the police car.

When caught driving under the influence of alcohol about 3.5 months ago in Aksaray, the driver who said "You can't escape from Turkish police" was once again caught by the police. This time, drugs were found in the driver's car.


The Security Branch teams of the Aksaray Provincial Police Department, who conducted an operation under the coordination of the Aksaray Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, stopped a car with license plate number 68 ADF 842 on Mehmet Ali Demir Street in Büyükbölcek Neighborhood due to suspicion. The police, who asked for the driver's license and registration, became suspicious of the driver named Ö.E. (23) due to his nervous state and movements. During the search of the vehicle, the police found a quantity of drugs. As a result, the driver Ö.E. was taken into custody, and during the interrogation, it was determined that he was caught driving under the influence of alcohol in another operation about 3.5 months ago. In the previous operation, the driver, who was caught while trying to escape from the police, had a blood alcohol level of 0.63 promil and was taken into custody. He had said to the journalists in the police car, "You can't escape from Turkish police."

See how he was caught this time, he had said 'You can't escape from Turkish police'


Due to the possibility that the driver might be under the influence of alcohol again, traffic police were called to the scene. When the team arrived, they tried to use a breathalyzer to test the driver's alcohol level, but the driver Ö.E. refused to blow into the device. As a result of the "Refusal" output obtained from the breathalyzer, the driver was fined 18,452 TL for refusing to blow into the breathalyzer. Since his driver's license was confiscated for 6 months at that time when he was previously caught driving under the influence of alcohol, his driver's license was confiscated for 2 years this time, and the vehicle he was driving was impounded and towed to the parking lot.

See how he was caught this time, he had said 'You can't escape from Turkish police'


After the procedures were completed, the driver Ö.E. was brought to the police car to be taken to the police station. However, the driver, who didn't like the back seat of the police car, said, "I won't get in, bro. Why should I sit in the back? I swear I won't get in." While the police officers made the suspect sit in the other seat, a total of 3 individuals, including the driver, were taken to the police station. An investigation was initiated by the Aksaray Chief Public Prosecutor's Office regarding the incident.

See how he was caught this time, he had said 'You can't escape from Turkish police'
See how he was caught this time, he had said 'You can't escape from Turkish police'
See how he was caught this time, he had said 'You can't escape from Turkish police'

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