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He was devastated when he learned the truth about the vehicle he bought a week ago: I hated the car, I'm not getting in it.

He was devastated when he learned the truth about the vehicle he bought a week ago: I hated the car, I'm not getting in it.

25.09.2024 12:21

Muhammed Ülgür, who works as a security officer at a public institution in Erzurum, received a brand new light commercial vehicle that turned out to be defective. When the dealership refused to take back the vehicle, which had misaligned doors, Ülgür applied to the Consumer Court. He stated, "The doors of the brand new vehicle I purchased were protruding 2-3 millimeters and appeared not to close properly. I reported the issue to the relevant dealership, and they responded that they would not change the vehicle and that I could appeal to the judicial authorities. So, I filed a complaint with the Consumer Court."

In Erzurum, security officer Muhammed Ülgür purchased a light commercial vehicle from an automotive dealership in the Yakutiye district for 1 million 180 thousand lira. On September 14, when Ülgür went to pick up his vehicle, he noticed that the doors were protruding and reported the situation to the authorities. The official said, "A screw needs to be tightened; let's take it to the service," and took the vehicle to the service center. After a while, the official returned, stating that the service was busy and asked Ülgür to take the vehicle and come back during the week for the repair.


After leaving the dealership with his vehicle, Ülgür returned to the dealership's service on September 19 for repairs. When the bodywork specialists said that both doors could be removed and repaired, Muhammed Ülgür did not accept this. He argued that removing the doors would cause the vehicle to lose its originality and requested an exchange from the company. After receiving a negative response from the dealership officials, Muhammed Ülgür also contacted the Turkish distributor of the relevant brand and requested the vehicle to be exchanged once again. The distributor's official replied that they would not make an exchange and that Ülgür could apply to the judicial authorities. Following the negative responses from the dealership and the distributor, Ülgür filed a complaint with the consumer court.

Shock of Receiving a Defective Vehicle After Buying a New One in Erzurum


Stating that he noticed the defect in the doors of the vehicle he purchased as new from a company in Erzurum, Muhammed Ülgür said, "The doors were protruding outward. They were not sitting properly by 2-3 millimeters and seemed not to close completely. I told the friend who sold me the vehicle, and he said, 'I'll take it to the service right away.' When he returned, he said, 'You can take this vehicle; the service is busy right now, come during the week, and I will take care of it.' Trusting their sincerity, I went. I went back to the service on Thursday, and the bodywork specialists looked at it. They said that both doors would need to be completely removed for adjustment. Of course, I thought, I bought a new vehicle; why should it be taken apart? If I sell the vehicle in the future and we go to an expert, it will show that it has been taken apart. When it shows that it has been taken apart, the buyer will try to lower the price or may even decide not to buy it, which would be a loss for me," he said.

Shock of Receiving a Defective Vehicle After Buying a New One in Erzurum


Expressing that he did not want to drive the vehicle he purchased a week ago, Ülgür said, "I bought a new vehicle; I requested a new one as a result. I called the Turkish distributor of the relevant brand. They found me justified. When they spoke with the lady at the Erzurum dealership, they stated that the vehicle had problems and asked, 'Why are you selling the vehicle without checking it? Solve Mr. Muhammed's problem.' The dealership official said, 'Okay, go, we will talk on Friday, and I will let you know.' When I called in the morning, I was told, 'You can apply to the judicial authorities you want; we are not changing this vehicle.' They even said, 'We have also spoken with the factory, and other vehicles you have are also problematic,' indicating that the same new vehicles were coming with issues. The Turkish distributor also said, 'Let him go and apply to the judicial authorities.' I became uncomfortable with the vehicle. It was a vehicle I loved. It hasn't been a week since I bought it, and I hate it. I parked the vehicle; it is just sitting there, and I am not driving it. I have become very cold towards the vehicle. I want my request to be fulfilled. I have made my application to the judicial authorities," he said.

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