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Here is the translation of your text into English: " sincere statements from Hazar Ergüçlü: Dilber taught me to laugh at life."

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29.09.2024 09:00

Hazar Ergüçlü, who plays the character Dilber in Kanal D's rating record-breaking series 'İnci Taneleri', made sincere statements before the new season. Ergüçlü described the project as a "set that enhances acting skills" and said that being part of this project, written by Yılmaz Erdoğan, has taught her a lot. She mentioned that she learned many things while portraying the character Dilber, particularly how to make fun of herself and to be quick-witted.

The character Dilber, played by Hazar Ergüçlü in Kanal D's rating-topping series "İnci Taneleri," made sincere statements before the second season of the show. Ergüçlü, who was a guest on Cosmopolitan Turkey, described the project as "a set that has developed my acting skills." The actress stated that being part of this project, written by Yılmaz Erdoğan, has taught her a lot, saying, "I can suddenly reach a two-word sentence that I needed to achieve over a long time. Because I solved this issue years ago."

Sincere statements from Hazar Ergüçlü: Dilber taught me to laugh at life


Emphasizing that she learned many things while portraying Dilber, Ergüçlü noted that the character has a childlike nature. She stated, "No matter what happens, you learn to laugh at yourself. You can make a joke within five minutes after any disaster. However, a person who can be that flexible cannot be an adult."

Sincere statements from Hazar Ergüçlü: Dilber taught me to laugh at life


With its story and character depth, "İnci Taneleri" will soon be coming to Kanal D with its new season and new cast members. In the promotional film of the series, scenes starting with the phrase "It was not easy to predict what the war that began that day would cost" highlight Azem's exhausted state in prison. The following lines, "You are a stranger in this world. Don't laugh, don't laugh, cry my heart," provide clues about the new season. The promotion ends with Azem's question, "Where did we leave off?"

Sincere statements from Hazar Ergüçlü: Dilber taught me to laugh at life

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