The 'Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on Private Educational Institutions Prepared by the Ministry of National Education' was published in the Official Gazette on January 3rd. MAJOR CHANGE FROM THE MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATIONAccording to the statement made by the Ministry, changes have been made to the provisions regarding private educational institutions with this regulation. In this context, starting from the 2025-2026 academic year, children of martyrs and veterans, as well as children under state protection, will be able to benefit from all services offered at private schools, such as education fees, meals, accommodation, books-stationery, clothing, tutoring, and international diploma and certificate programs, free of charge. A GUIDE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN JULYNew regulations for students who will study for free in private schools starting next year will be reflected in the 'Guide for Placement of Students/Course Participants to be Educated Free of Charge', which will be published by the Ministry in July. In this context, a timetable for free quotas will be announced, and applications will be received electronically by the Ministry of National Education during the summer period. According to the guide, students will be able to make their preferences for the private schools they wish to attend starting from August. Applications for free quotas in private educational courses outside of private schools will be received by the governorships. The provisions regarding the obligation of private educational institutions, including private schools, to educate at least 3% of their student population for free are stated in Article 13 of the Private Educational Institutions Law No. 5580. In the implementation of the free student education practice, priority is given to the children of martyrs and veterans, as well as children for whom protection, care, or accommodation decisions have been made, as specified in the Law.