12.01.2025 13:30
It has been revealed that İdris A. (60), who was injured in a shooting in Bursa after coming from France, was shot by individuals he had an agreement with for money, arranged by his relative Kamil A. (57), who lives in the same country. It was alleged that İdris A. and his son Çağlar A. (36) sexually assaulted Kamil A.'s daughter Aysel T. (29) eight years ago.
The couple Gülizar-Kamil A., who live in Yozgat, settled in France 26 years ago. Kamil A., who has 3 children from his marriage, started making a living as a contractor. Kamil A. learned from his Tunisian son-in-law Tufik T. that his daughter Aysel T., who got married a while ago, was sexually assaulted 8 years ago by his relative İdris A., who lives in the same country and does the same job, and his son Çağlar A. Kamil A. agreed to pay 60,000 euros to Ragıp S., Nihat S., and Fırat G., with whom he spoke by phone to arrange for the shooting of İdris A., who comes to Bursa on certain days of the year. In December of last year, Kamil A. came to Istanbul from Lyon, France, and gave 45,000 euros as an advance payment to Ragıp S. and 2 friends living there. Ragıp S. provided İdris A.'s address in Bursa, along with images of his house and photos taken from various profiles.
Ragıp S. and his friends transferred the assault job they agreed on for 60,000 euros to 8 people who do contract killing for 600,000 TL. In December, after learning that İdris A. had come to his house in the Hacı Seyfettin neighborhood of Osmangazi district in Bursa, 3 of the suspects fled after firing 2 shots at the door of the house. While an investigation was initiated regarding the incident under the coordination of the Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, 3 separate groups that came from Istanbul to Bursa shot at İdris A.'s car, and 3 days later, when he left the house, they fired at him.
İdris A., who was injured in his legs, was treated at the hospital he was taken to. In his statement, İdris A. claimed that his relative Aysel T., with whom he said he worked in construction in France, threatened him by using the debt of her husband Tufik T. as an excuse. While the teams of the Public Security Branch of the Provincial Police Department expanded the investigation, Kamil A.'s wife Gülizar A. and son Ömer A., who learned about the incident, flew from France to Istanbul and handed over the remaining 15,000 euros to Ragıp S. in cash.
Identifying the suspects from security camera footage, the Bursa police detained Ragıp S. and two of his friends, as well as Gülizar A. and her son Ömer A. at a hotel in Istanbul, while they also apprehended 8 people involved in the shooting incidents at their homes and workplaces and brought them to Bursa.
After their procedures at the police station, the suspects were sent to the courthouse, where M.T. was detained by the prosecutor, while Çetin A., Erol T., Zeyit C. (24), and Kerem Ç. (27) were released under judicial control by the court. Gülizar A., Ömer A., Ragıp S., Nihat S., Fırat G., Hacı Hüseyin K. (44), Servet G. (30), Muhammed T. (30), and Cengiz P. were arrested by the court on charges of 'Assault', 'Instigation', 'Damage to property', 'Violation of Law No. 6136', and 'Endangering public safety' under strict security measures.
An arrest warrant was also issued for Kamil A., who is in France, on the charge of 'Instigation'.