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New Era in Rent Determination Lawsuits: Breaking the Mold

New Era in Rent Determination Lawsuits: Breaking the Mold

25.09.2024 18:01

Due to rising rental prices, a landmark case has been established in Turkey in a rent determination lawsuit filed by a landlord in Istanbul. For the first time, artificial intelligence was used in a rent determination case. This decision, which indicates the beginning of a new era in rent determination lawsuits, is of great interest to both tenants and property owners.

In the studio of Haberler.com, Lawyer Burak Evci and Dr. Ekrem Teymur, Chairman of the Board of Keltis Artificial Intelligence Inc., discussed the use of artificial intelligence in a rent determination case seen in a court in Istanbul. The program evaluated what innovations the use of artificial intelligence would bring to the law.

With the impact of high inflation in Turkey, new issues are arising every day between tenants and property owners. In a case opened by a landlord in Istanbul regarding disputes that cause congestion in the courts, a first was achieved in Turkey. For the first time, artificial intelligence was used in a rent determination case.


In the program where the innovations brought by the use of artificial intelligence in law were evaluated, Lawyer Burak Evci explained the foundations of the rent determination case. "We call the cases opened by property owners or business owners who are not satisfied with the current rent and the rent increase rates, provided that five years have passed, rent determination cases. The process in rent determination cases works as follows: Property owners who want a rent determination apply to the mediation process. If an agreement cannot be reached during this process, a lawsuit is filed. During the course of the case, the court requests sample rental agreements from the parties and also requests sample rental agreements from official institutions such as the electricity authority and the water authority, asking the expert to create a report based on this data." he stated.

New Era in Rent Determination Cases: Breaking the Mold


Lawyer Evci stated that the 25% upper limit applied in rent increases is against the interests of property owners, saying, "Many lawsuits have been filed because of this, and these lawsuits have significantly increased the workload of the courts." He emphasized that the lawsuit processes have been prolonged due to this intensity. "Delayed justice is not justice," he said.

Dr. Ekrem Teymur, Chairman of the Board of Keltis Artificial Intelligence Inc., pointed out that there is a backlog of cases in the judiciary. "Artificial intelligence should be utilized here. The control of expert reports by artificial intelligence or the automatic verification, approval, or rejection of certain references in the petitions submitted by the parties, that is, references made to Supreme Court decisions, precedents, or legal articles, can be done using artificial intelligence," he said.

Emphasizing that artificial intelligence can take over simple tasks of judges and prosecutors, thereby reducing their burdens, Ekrem Teymur stated, "Thus, judges can focus directly on the essence of the case and resolve it." Teymur highlighted that artificial intelligence can make more objective decisions than humans. "It is possible for artificial intelligence to approach the case and the parties, individuals, events, and facts in a completely objective manner and make a more objective assessment." he said.

New Era in Rent Determination Cases: Breaking the Mold


Lawyer Burak Evci stated that the court in Istanbul benefiting from artificial intelligence is a beginning, saying, "In the coming periods, we will all observe that artificial intelligence will also affect the field of law. Currently, it is not possible for artificial intelligence to make decisions in cases, but perhaps in 5 or 10 years, we will all see that this process can be utilized in simple cases." he said.

Ekrem Teymur, an executive at Keltis Artificial Intelligence Inc., pointed out that artificial intelligence can make decisions much faster than humans due to having much more experience than a person can accumulate in a lifetime, stating, "Artificial intelligence can make decisions that will better protect the rights of the parties in judicial processes."

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