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New plan is in effect! They will pay 1 million TL to the refugees who agree to return to their country.

New plan is in effect! They will pay 1 million TL to the refugees who agree to return to their country.

13.09.2024 15:00

Sweden has implemented a new plan to address its ongoing issue of irregular migration. According to this plan, refugees who agree to return to their country will receive a payment of approximately 1.15 million TL starting from 2026.

The Swedish government, which struggles to integrate immigrants into society, announced that it plans to pay 350,000 kronor (approximately 1.15 million Turkish Liras) to refugees who agree to return to their country from 2026 without disrupting their current HTML. Swedish Minister of Migration Johan Forssell stated, "We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in our migration policy."


The issue of immigration has caused major disruptions in the social security systems of countries, and the stabbing incident in the city of Solingen, Germany last month, which resulted in the deaths of three people, has strengthened anti-immigrant politics in European countries.

According to a statement on the Swedish Migration Agency's website, under the current regulations, an adult who currently lives in Sweden and agrees to return to their country can receive a grant of 10,000 kronor (32,921 Turkish Liras), while a child can receive 5,000 kronor (16,450 Turkish Liras). There is an upper limit of 40,000 kronor (131,606 Turkish Liras) per family for this grant.


Ludvig Aspling, a member of the Swedish Democrats party, which supports the government from outside, stated, "The grant has been available since 1984, but most people don't know about it. Only a relatively small number of people apply for it."

According to Euronews, along with high unemployment rates among immigrants, income inequalities in Sweden have also increased, leading to disruptions in the country's social security system. In 2015, the migrant crisis was seen as a turning point, and the then-Social Democratic government announced that they would not continue with their open-door policies.

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