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Over 140 People Hospitalized In Russia Due To Biggest Outbreak Of Botulism In 30 Years

18.06.2024 16:12

Authorities say all infected people ordered specific food from 2 enterprises.

The Russian sanitary authorities said on Tuesday that 145 people were hospitalized in three Russian cities with botulism, describing the situation as the "biggest outbreak" of this infection in 30 years.

The Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) said in a statement that 121 people requested medical assistance in the capital Moscow, 55 of them are in difficult condition, 30 are in intensive care.

Separately, the sanitary authorities of the cities of Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod located on the Volga River reported 12 cases of botulism each.

Infected people from all three cities ordered specific food -- lobio and salad with tuna, beans and apple -- from two local enterprices, Local Kitchen and GastroPort, Rospotrebnadzor said, noting that a decision was made to suspend the operation of these companies until the end of the inspection which is underway.

The Russian Investigative Committee said in a separate statement it opened a criminal case following the incident, three people were detained in Moscow, including Local Kitchen's director general.

The investigators highlighted that employees of the mentioned enterprises tried to get rid of stocks of the food that allegedly caused the poisoning during the inspection. -

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