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Pakistan is burning fiercely! Only in the last 6 days, 568 people have lost their lives.

Pakistan is burning fiercely! Only in the last 6 days, 568 people have lost their lives.

27.06.2024 18:38

Due to the hot weather in Pakistan, 568 people have lost their lives in the last 6 days. With temperatures rising to 49 degrees and the effect of humidity, the number of casualties has been increasing in the country. Cooling centers and camps were set up to provide relief.

A total of 568 people have lost their lives in the past 6 days due to the ongoing heatwave in Karachi, Pakistan. The death toll is increasing as the temperature rises to 49 degrees Celsius and the high humidity takes its toll.


In Karachi, a city in Pakistan's Sindh province, the death toll is increasing as the temperature rises above 40 degrees Celsius and the high humidity raises it to 49 degrees Celsius. According to a statement from the Edhi ambulance service, the city morgue receives the bodies of 30-40 people per day due to the extreme heat, but in the past 6 days, 568 people have lost their lives. It was reported that 141 of the deaths occurred on Tuesday alone.

Pakistan is burning! A total of 568 people have lost their lives in the past 6 days


Dr. Imran Sarwar Sheikh, head of the emergency department at Karachi Civil Hospital, stated that 267 people who suffered from heatstroke visited the hospital from Sunday to Thursday, and 12 of them lost their lives. Dr. Sheikh said, "Most of the visitors to the hospital were in their 60s or 70s, but there was also a couple in their 45s and even in their 20s. Most of the people we saw were working outside. We advised them to drink plenty of water and wear light clothing in this heat."


As extreme heat hit Pakistan over the weekend, cooling centers and camps were set up.

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