Asal Research shared the results of its election survey conducted for January with the public. In the survey conducted with 1,800 people in 26 provinces using the CATI method (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview), participants were asked the question, "If there were a parliamentary election this Sunday, which political party would you vote for?" UNDECIDED VOTERS AT THE TOPThe first place in the survey was taken by those who said "Undecided/I will not vote" with 36.7 points. The CHP came in second with 20.2 points, while the AK Party was third with 18.7 points. The vote shares of other parties were as follows: - DEM Party: 6.1
- MHP: 5.6
- Good Party: 2.8
- New Welfare: 2.5
- TIP: 1
- Key Party: 0.9
- Others: 3.2
CHP IS THE FIRST PARTY AFTER UNDECIDED VOTERS ARE DISTRIBUTEDAfter the undecided and those who said they would not vote were distributed, CHP became the first party with 31.9 points. AK Party followed with 29.6 points. The vote shares of other parties were as follows: - DEM Party: 9.6
- MHP: 8.9
- Good Party: 4.4
- New Welfare: 3.9
- Victory: 3.6
- TIP: 1.6
- Key Party: 1.4
- Others: 5.1