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Tension is high in the Sinan Ateş case! His mother, who fell ill during the trial, was taken to the hospital.

Tension is high in the Sinan Ateş case! His mother, who fell ill during the trial, was taken to the hospital.

03.07.2024 15:31

Intense debates took place in the courtroom on the 3rd day of the trial of Sinan Ateş, the former President of the Idealist Hearths who was assassinated in Ankara. Sinan Ateş's mother, Saniye Ateş, whose blood pressure dropped and arm went numb during the trial, was taken to the hospital inside the prison by an ambulance. Meanwhile, Ayşe Ateş, his wife, spoke in front of the courthouse and said, "This conspiracy will come back to haunt them. They will meet the state, and everyone will meet the fair face of the state."

The trial of 22 defendants in the murder of former Idealist Hearths Education and Culture Foundation President and Hacettepe University Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinan Ateş continues with the statements of the defense lawyers.


Tense moments were experienced during today's hearing, as Saniye Ateş, who is in Sincan Prison to follow the trial regarding the murder of her son Sinan Ateş, felt unwell during the hearing and her blood pressure dropped. Ateş was taken to the hospital within the prison due to low blood pressure and numbness in her arm.


Meanwhile, Ayşe Ateş, the wife of Sinan Ateş, expressed her reaction to the events in front of the courthouse, saying, "They will face the trap they set. They will meet the state, and everyone will meet the fair face of the state. They are trying to create an impression as if so many people have come together by coincidence. They don't want the political aspect of this murder to come to light. Every game they play will backfire on them."

High tension in Sinan Ateş trial! Mother who fell ill during the hearing taken to the hospital


The trial, held at the 32nd Heavy Penal Court in Ankara, was attended by the defendants, their lawyers, the complainant Ayşe Ateş, and her relatives. Former CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and some members of parliament also attended the hearing. The hearing was supposed to start with the defense of the last defendant, Umut Ersoy, but since Ersoy's lawyer was not present in the courtroom, the defense statements were heard. Eray Özyağci's lawyer Zeynettin Aktürk argued that the trial was incomplete and flawed. Aktürk claimed that Özyağci stated in his defense, "I went there to injure, I was only going to shoot his legs." Aktürk claimed that the security camera footage confirmed this. Aktürk used the following statements: "Selman Bozkurt, who was next to the victim, was shooting at my client, and my client was running away. During this escape, he fired two more shots and injured Selman Bozkurt. When you are at the crime scene, you focus on your initial goal. Since the initial goal was to injure, he planned to shoot his legs and escape. He had to respond because he was shot at from behind while running away." Aktürk requested that the crime attributed to Özyağci be changed to "intentional injury with a firearm" and requested a new defense within this scope.


Later, when the lawyer arrived in the courtroom, Umut Ersoy's defense began. Ersoy stated that he did not accept the charges against him and said that he was a taxi driver and knew Doğukan Çep, one of the defendants in the case, because he was his customer.

Ersoy explained that he was taken to Ankara after being detained and said, "I didn't know what I was accused of until the indictment was issued. It is stated in the indictment that I called Suat Kurt. I don't know Suat Kurt, I have never called him. I demand my release and acquittal."


Cem Ali Kılıç, the lawyer of Vedat Balkaya, the motorcycle driver who took Özyağci away from the crime scene, claimed that his client was not aware of the murder. Kılıç stated that Özyağci kept his client away while observing the area where Ateş's office was located and said, "On the day Özyağci was going to commit the crime, he told my client, 'don't be afraid if you hear gunshots.' You don't say 'don't be afraid if you hear gunshots' to someone you are going to commit a murder with. My client was released from prison 10 days before the incident. It is impossible for them to plan and commit the crime together. My client does not have a joint criminal intent. I request that he be tried without detention."

Fuat Saatçıoğlu, the lawyer of Suat Kurt, who is said to have conducted reconnaissance before the murder, stated that his client was saddened by the incident and sincerely shared what he knew. Saatçıoğlu claimed that Kurt was not aware of the murder and said, "Defendant Doğukan Çep called my client and asked him to go to an address in Ankara and follow the person's entry and exit times from his office. My client acted with the intention of helping as a gesture of goodwill."


Emine Tosun, the lawyer of defendant Doğukan Çep, who is in the position of "instigator" in the murder, argued that Özyağci did not act with the intention of killing Ateş. Tosun claimed that Ateş was caught in the middle of a conflict and continued as follows: "There is no evidence that all the bullets that came out of Sinan Ateş's body were fired from Eray Özyağci's gun. Due to the uncertainties in the case file, we examined the camera footage. According to the recordings, the incident took place at 13:34, and at 13:35, Ahmet Keçik, who was with Ateş, took the guns and ran away. He uses an illogical statement like 'I took them so that the guns wouldn't be lost.' We are wondering if there were bullets from Ahmet Keçik or Selman Bozkurt's gun in Sinan Ateş's body and if they are trying to cover it up."

Tosun claimed that Çep instructed Özyağci to "injure Sinan Ateş" and therefore her client cannot be held responsible for the murder. Murat Ofli, the lawyer of defendant Tolgahan Demirbaş, claimed that his client had no connection to the murder and said that Demirbaş was being "prejudged" on social media. Ofli argued that the indictment was flawed and said, "Despite the fact that my client had no involvement in the incident, he is being tried as an instigator. We do not accept the legal violations in this indictment. For someone to be an instigator, there must be animosity between them and the victim. My client has no acquaintance or animosity with the victim." After the statements of the lawyers of the defendants Zekeriya Asarkaya, Hakan Saraç, and Aşkın Mert Gelenbey, the hearing was adjourned for lunch.

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