In the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) Council, the regulation of the Department of Relations with Religious Institutions and Communities, which includes the cemevi as a place of worship, was approved by a majority vote against the "no" vote of the AK Party group. The third session of the IMM Council in September was held at the municipality building in Saraçhane, chaired by the 1st Vice President of the Council, Nuri Aslan. The proposal for the regulation of the Department of Relations with Religious Institutions and Communities, established in May, was discussed in the council. The proposal defined the organizational structure, legal status, duties, authorities, and working principles of the Department through the regulation. In the section on places of worship under the responsibility of the Department, the expressions "mosque, prayer room, cemevi, church, synagogue" were included. IT AIMS TO PREVENT DISCRIMINATION AMONG PLACES OF WORSHIP
In the regulation, the duties of the Department were recorded as follows: "To examine, evaluate, and ensure the transmission of proposals, opinions, and requests from religious institutions and communities to the relevant institutional units and to follow up on them. To evaluate, carry out, and, when necessary, convey and follow up on requests for the construction of buildings and facilities for places of worship belonging to religious institutions and communities, ensuring that public service is provided with the principles of impartiality and equality. To provide necessary material support for places of worship belonging to religious institutions and communities. To carry out joint activities and organize events with faith groups, non-governmental organizations, and public institutions to support and develop the educational and cultural activities of religious institutions and communities, or to provide necessary support for the activities of religious institutions and communities. To avoid making decisions and actions that would lead to discrimination among places of worship belonging to religious institutions and communities and to take necessary measures to ensure that religious institutions and communities can benefit equally from public services and opportunities."AK PARTY COUNCIL MEMBERS FILED A DISSENTING OPINION
AK Party council members filed a dissenting opinion on the regulation proposal. In the dissent, it was stated, "Since the issues included in the Department's working regulation are unrelated to the internal working regulation of the Department, and involve matters that should be regulated by the constitution and law, and are outside the scope of the Municipality Council's duties, we do not agree with the decision that contradicts the hierarchy of norms." The proposal for the regulation of the Department of Relations with Religious Institutions and Communities was accepted by a majority vote in the council.