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"The debate on 'normalization' is heating up! Erdogan responded before stepping down from the podium."

27.06.2024 20:54

Speaking at the AK Party's group meeting, President Erdogan said, "Our effort to soften politics is actually an effort to normalize the opposition." CHP Chairman Ozgur Ozal responded to Erdogan's words minutes later, saying, "This statement also needs normalization. Shaking hands requires two hands, not just one. Defining normalization to shape the opposition is nothing more than a sentence aimed at pleasing the alliance partner."

After the normalization steps taken following mutual statements after the March 31 elections, President Erdogan, who spoke at his party's group meeting today, said, "Our effort to soften in politics is actually an effort to normalize the opposition. It is the opposition that will open clenched fists, correct its language, discourse, and political style. In other words, it is the opposition that needs to be normalized."


While Erdogan's "normalization" statement caused a wide reaction in the public, CHP Chairman Özgür Özel responded to these words minutes later. When asked by journalists about his comment on President Erdogan's words, Özel said, "It was not a normal statement. This statement also needs normalization. One hand is not enough to shake hands, two hands are needed. Fists were clenched in the past. On the evening of March 31, when our people entrusted us to be the first party, in our first statement, we said 'We will not be arrogant, we will fulfill the responsibilities of being the first party' and I called Mr. Erdogan on the first holiday."


I made my first visit and there was an opportunity to shake hands after years. Today's line is extremely positive compared to the line that did not shake hands before at Anıtkabir, did not greet the leader of the main opposition party at funerals. There is no one side or owner of this matter. Neither me nor Mr. Erdogan alone. Defining normalization to put the opposition in a certain shape is nothing more than a sentence aimed at pleasing the alliance partner.

In this regard, I understand Mr. Erdogan. We read his evaluation in some newspapers. 'The expression used by Mr. Özgür hurt us,' he said. The reason for using that expression was my response to Bahçeli after he expressed his discomfort with normalization at the group meeting and suggested that we break our alliance with Erdogan. And I have been using that response since that day to repair his relationship with Mr. Bahçeli. I understand this. However, what this country understands from normalization is an understanding that can establish dialogue, discuss problems, argue, not see each other as enemies even if they cannot convince each other, but also not neglect the struggle."

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