In Taksim Square, a group known as 'Tebliğciler' distributed leaflets with the message "Oh Muslim Brother" before the New Year celebrations. Those who encountered the preachers among the dense crowd on New Year's Eve experienced a moment of surprise. "LET'S DEFINITELY NOT COMPLY"Bilal Demir, who was distributing leaflets, said, "As Muslims, we need to live according to Islamic principles in order to die as Muslims. Let's live as Muslims, and let’s die as Muslims. To die as a Muslim, we should strive to live according to Islamic principles. This is all we have to say. Hopefully, tonight, let’s not make even a needle's tip of change. If someone gifts an egg tonight, out of respect for this day and the New Year, we fear that it may lead to disbelief, meaning becoming a non-believer. Therefore, my brothers, these are the customs of non-believers. We should definitely not comply." THE PREACHERS ALSO TRIED TO PERSUADE IN THE PAVILIONRecently, a preacher who went to a pavilion in Aydın advised those who came to have fun, saying, "Just think, the bill at the table comes to 100-200 thousand lira. Isn’t it hard to pay? If the bill for a 3-5 hour entertainment is this expensive, how much would the bill for a 70-year life be?"