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The dirty past of the police killer has been revealed! The court granted a "respect" reduction on the 11-year prison sentence.

The dirty past of the police killer has been revealed! The court granted a

30.09.2024 11:51

The dirty past and criminal record of the criminal Yunus Emre Geçti, who murdered 27-year-old police officer Şeyda Yılmaz in Ümraniye, have started to come to light one by one. It has been revealed that the 19-year-old Geçti, who has been involved in a crime almost every year, sent a video to a friend showing him shooting a gun, and that he also stabbed someone. Additionally, it was discovered that he robbed another friend and received an 11-year prison sentence, which was reduced to 3 years due to a "good behavior" discount.

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During a motorcycle theft operation in Ümraniye, Istanbul, 19-year-old criminal Yunus Emre Geçti, who killed 27-year-old police officer Şeyda Yılmaz, had his dirty past revealed.

Geçti, who has 26 criminal records and has been documented to be involved in a crime almost every year, has 24 cases reflected in the courthouse. In some of these, he is a victim, in 14 he is a suspect, and in 6 he is classified as a 'child in conflict with the law' due to committing crimes while under 18.


One of his recent cases is related to injuring his friend Ali Y., whom he has known since middle school. Yunus Emre Geçti insulted Ali Y.'s girlfriend in Ümraniye, where he lives. Upon hearing this, Ali Y. argued with Geçti. Later, Geçti sent a video to his friend on Instagram, showing him shooting a gun into the air, with the caption "suddenly." Four days after sending the video, on June 28, 2024, he stabbed his friend in the leg and hip in the middle of the street, shouting, "I'll chop you up." Following Ali Y.'s complaint, Geçti denied the allegations during his statement. He claimed to be a car dealer during the identification process and stated that he was the one attacked in the incident. The prosecutor's office filed a case against him for "simple injury," seeking up to 1 year in prison. The trial at the Criminal Court of First Instance is ongoing.

The dirty past of the police killer has been revealed! The court reduced the 11-year prison sentence due to 'respect'


Ten months before this incident, on August 10, 2023, he was involved in another crime. While Hasan A. was waiting in traffic in Ümraniye, Yunus Emre Geçti approached him and fired a gun. He broke the glass by hitting it with the butt of the gun. The glass shards cut the arm of the man in the vehicle. Although the victim initially filed a complaint, he later withdrew it.

The prosecutor's office decided not to pursue the case due to the withdrawal of the complaint for "damaging property" and "injury," but sought up to 5 years in prison for "threat with a weapon." At the first hearing last May, the public prosecutor requested the defendant's punishment. The court wrote to the police to forcibly bring Geçti, who did not attend the hearing.

The dirty past of the police killer has been revealed! The court reduced the 11-year prison sentence due to 'respect'


On September 19, 2022, Yunus Emre Geçti was again involved in a crime. This time he was tried along with 3 other suspects. The 3 suspects and Yunus Emre Geçti went to a forested area in Sancaktepe at night with their friend Taha S. They threatened the victim with a gun, assaulted him, and took 1000 lira and his phone. Later, the suspects demanded an additional 7000 lira to return these items. They were charged with "deprivation of liberty" and "armed robbery," facing up to 29 years in prison. The suspects denied the charges, stating that there was only an argument among them and that they did not take any money. Geçti claimed, "My family covered the damage, but I am not guilty." The Heavy Penal Court concluded the case last May.

The dirty past of the police killer has been revealed! The court reduced the 11-year prison sentence due to 'respect'


According to a report in the Sabah newspaper, the court sentenced Yunus Emre Geçti to 11 years in prison for "armed robbery." The reduction was made due to him being under 18 at the time of the incident and for compensating the victim's damages. The court also granted another reduction for notable reasons: "Considering his positive behavior after the incident and during the trial, his respectful demeanor in court, and the potential negative impact of the sentence on his future, a reduction was made." The 11-year prison sentence was reduced to 3 years and 20 days. While the other defendants received varying prison sentences, the case was sent to the Istanbul Regional Court of Appeals for review.


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