Recently, Mehmet Ali Erbil, who has been in the news due to an illegal betting scandal, caused his ex-girlfriend Gülseren Ceylan to become furious by bringing another woman to his side and going live on TikTok. "I WILL BE WITH ANOTHER MAN TONIGHT"Upon seeing the famous showman with another woman, Gülseren Ceylan, who joined the broadcast, stated, "In response to what he did, I will also be with another man tonight. From this point on, he will pay the price for what he has done." THE SEXUALITY CONFESSION HAD BECOME A SENSATIONRecently, during a broadcast she was a guest on, Gülseren Ceylan answered the question, "Did Mehmet Ali Erbil satisfy you?" with, "Mehmet Ali satisfied me in every way; otherwise, there wouldn't have been a relationship. Even though he never used drugs, his masculinity was very good, and we had a good physical compatibility. There are men at 30 years old with poor sexuality, but there are also those like Mehmet Ali, who are 60 years old and have very good sexuality."