CHP Group Deputy Chairman Murat Emir brought the red card campaign to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Starting his words by reacting to the detention of Beşiktaş Mayor Rıza Akpolat, Emir stated the following: "IT IS IRRATIONAL, IT IS UNREASONABLE""Last night, our Beşiktaş Mayor Rıza Akpolat was detained in a manner similar to the FETÖ operations we are accustomed to. The allegations involve rigging a tender and forming a criminal organization, but the person these allegations are primarily directed at is someone named Ali İhsan Aktaş. He is accused of forming and managing a criminal organization and is known to have received tenders from many public institutions, including the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, along with Beşiktaş Municipality and Esenyurt Municipality. If this person is accused of forming and managing a criminal organization, this is something that could happen. The reasoning that this crime was only committed in Beşiktaş Municipality is irrational and unreasonable. THE ENTIRE CHP GROUP SHOWED A RED CARD TO THE GOVERNMENTEmir emphasized that 2024 will be the hardest year for retirees, continuing: "They declared 2024 as the year of retirees, and they have devastated the retirees. Now they are declaring it the year of families, and they will devastate families. Whatever you touch, you ruin. We are showing a red card to those who leave retirees hungry, to those who condemn minimum wage earners to hunger, to those who condemn this nation to hunger and unemployment. We are standing up and showing a red card. We are showing a red card for everyone whose rights have been violated. We are showing a red card on behalf of those who do not accept a pension of 14,469 lira. We are showing a red card for those who do not accept a minimum wage of 22,104 lira, the hunger wage. Together with all our people, we are standing up and demanding elections. You have no capacity or ability left to solve any problems." HE STRUGGLED NOT TO LAUGHIt was observed that the Deputy Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Sırrı Süreyya Önder, struggled not to laugh in response to the red card protest of the CHP Group in the Grand National Assembly.