In Adana, a father is accused of killing his son, who was allegedly a drug addict, and leaving the body by the roadside to make it look like someone else had killed him. The mother and sister, who are claimed to have known about the incident and assisted, have been referred to the courthouse. SHOT IN THE HEADOn December 31, 15-year-old R.D. was found dead by the roadside on Kızıldere road in the Geçitli Cumhuriyet neighborhood of Yüreğir district, having been shot in the head with a gun. The father M.D., mother S.D., and sister E.D. were taken into custody in connection with the death. THE BODY WAS DUMPED BY THE ROADSIDEIt was alleged that the child was a drug addict and was therefore killed at home by his father with a gun, and then dumped by the roadside to make it look like someone else had killed him. It was also claimed that the mother and sister were aware of the incident and assisted in the murder. After the father, mother, and sister who were taken into custody completed their interrogations, they were referred to the courthouse after undergoing a health check at the forensic medicine unit.