An amusing incident occurred during a town fair news report. Reporter Giuliana Bruno, while standing next to sea lions during a live broadcast, was repeatedly kissed by the animals, causing Bruno to lose herself in laughter. Bruno, broadcasting from the Altamont Fair in New York, said, "This is the closest I've ever been to a sea lion," as the sea lion next to her approached. "I don't want to leave anymore," the reporter joked. While trying to deliver her report, the sea lion kissed her on the cheek. The reporter started laughing and managed to complete the broadcast with difficulty. She introduced the sea lions as Sara and Ava. The hosts in the studio also joined in on the fun moment. Christina Arangio said, "Sara likes you, Giuliana. Thank you for making us laugh this morning," Bruno later shared the video on social media, and it has been viewed over 336,000 times. Many people, especially other journalists, congratulated Bruno for this entertaining interview. Social media users thanked Bruno, stating that this cheerful news brought a little happiness to the world.