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The informant changed his statement in court: I placed Narin's body in the sack by myself.

The informant changed his statement in court: I placed Narin's body in the sack by myself.

11.09.2024 11:53

The contradiction in Nevzat Bahtiyar's statement given to the court did not go unnoticed, where he confessed to hiding 8-year-old Narin's lifeless body in the creek in Diyarbakır and was arrested and sent to prison. In his initial statement, Bahtiyar said that he put the body in a sack together with his uncle, but in court, he changed his statement and said, "Later on, I placed Narin's body alone in the sack inside my residence."

The investigation into the death of Narin Güran, who went missing on August 21 in the Tavşantepe neighborhood of Bağlar district in Diyarbakır and whose lifeless body was found in the Eğertutmaz Stream on September 8, is still ongoing by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.


Nevzat Bahtiyar (48), who was arrested on charges of "participating in the intentional murder of a child" among the 24 suspects detained as part of the investigation, claimed in his statement at the peace criminal court that he was threatened with death by his uncle Salim Güran.


Nevzat Bahtiyar explained the incident as follows; "I remember putting a stone on top of Narin's body when I left it by the edge of the stream. I placed the sack containing the body under the natural rock by the water and put a stone on top of it. It was not noticeable from the outside. The statement 'I killed Arif's daughter, you will take this body and dispose of it. Otherwise, I will kill you and your family.' made by Salim in my statement to the prosecutor's office is true. I didn't mention this before in my statement because I was afraid of Salim Güran."


The suspect stated that they placed Narin's body into their own vehicle with the neighborhood headman Salim Güran on the day of the incident and said, "Later on, I placed Narin's body into the sack alone at my residence." Nevzat Bahtiyar stated that he noticed Salim Güran's uneasiness during the search for Narin and added the following in his statement; I don't remember seeing a similar uneasiness in anyone else. During the search activities, Salim and the gendarmerie personnel with him came to look at the old well in my mother's courtyard. After burying Narin's body, I came face to face with Salim here for the first time. He didn't ask me anything because he was a gendarmerie personnel. Apart from this, none of Narin's relatives asked me anything about Narin's body. I had deleted my records before because my search records increased. I deleted my records myself on the day of the incident. No one had any influence or advice in this regard. I regret this situation."


In the decision of the duty peace criminal court, it was stated that Nevzat Bahtiyar confessed to putting Narin Güran's body, which was handed over to him by the other suspect Salim Güran, into a sack and burying it by the stream, and it was noted that "he gave the impression of trying to protect some suspects by leaving some questions unanswered or vague, and his statements contained some contradictions."

The decision stated the following; "Considering that the investigation is not yet completed and when the entire file is evaluated together, there are valid grounds for suspicion as envisaged in Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights, strong evidence indicating a strong suspicion of a crime as stipulated in Article 19 of the Constitution and Article 100/1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CMK), the lower and upper limits of the punishment prescribed by law for the alleged crime, the fact that the alleged crime consists of catalog crimes specified in Article 100/3 of the CMK, the strong possibility of the suspect fleeing in relation to the expected sentence, the proportionality of the arrest measure, and the inadequacy of judicial control at this stage, it is decided to arrest the suspect in accordance with Articles 100 and subsequent articles of the CMK."

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