10.02.2025 16:41
In 2024, Metaplanet, which earned 35 million dollars from Bitcoin, increased its number of shareholders by 500 percent and had an excellent year. The company continues to make a name for itself in the financial world with its future plans and investment strategies.
Metaplanet is drawing attention with its $35 million unrealized gains from Bitcoin investments in 2024. The company increased its number of investors by 500%, reaching 50,000, and performed the best among publicly traded companies. With financial strategies and future goals, Metaplanet stands out as a significant player in the crypto market.
Metaplanet Earned $35 Million from Bitcoin Investment
Metaplanet, one of the leading investors in the cryptocurrency world, achieved significant success with its Bitcoin investments in 2024. According to the financial data released by the company, approximately $35 million (5.46 billion yen) in unrealized gains was generated from the 1,761 Bitcoins purchased for $137 million.
The company's growth momentum was also reflected in its shareholder base. Metaplanet increased its number of shareholders fivefold to 50,000 in 2024. This impressive performance positioned the company as the best-performing stock among 55,000 publicly traded companies.
Metaplanet is expanding its Bitcoin assets through two main strategies. The first is issuing debt by using Bitcoin as collateral, along with secured and convertible bonds. The second strategy involves increasing equity through private placements, preferred shares, convertible bonds, and warrants, alongside cash flow generated from commercial activities.
The company also announced its future targets. It plans to reach a portfolio size of 10,000 BTC by the end of 2025 and 21,000 BTC by the end of 2026. To achieve this goal, 21 million moving strike warrants will be issued. Metaplanet shares continue to stay on investors' radar, gaining 8% on Monday and 64% since the beginning of the year.