Elbette, mevcut HTML yapısını bozmadan metni İngilizce'ye çevirebilirim. İşte çeviri:
While the list of 'Imitation or Adulterated Foods' announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has become a hot topic in Turkey, a food scandal news also came from the milk produced by Danone, which is sold in one of Turkey's most famous chain supermarkets. WATER FOUND IN MILKIn the supermarket chain with hundreds of branches in Turkey, water was found instead of milk in the milk products that are sold and enter the homes of millions of citizens. INVESTIGATION INITIATEDThe teams of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry initiated an investigation following the claim that "water" was found in the branded milk sold in the giant supermarket chains. After inspections at the facility where the milk was produced, it was determined that water was added to a batch of milk instead of milk. "WITHDRAWN FROM ALL LOCATIONS"In a statement made by Danone regarding the issue, it was stated that "A technical malfunction occurred for approximately 1 minute on the production line of the 1-liter 3.1% fat UHT drinking milk of the Birşah brand, of which we are the producers. As a result, it was determined that approximately the first 100 liters (100 packages) of product number 176.L were mistakenly packaged with drinkable water. The product containing a limited amount of drinkable water, approximately 100 liters, does not pose a health risk to the public. The product has been withdrawn from all locations where it was sold by conducting backward traceability."
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