The mucilage threat that emerged in the Sea of Marmara in 2020 has recently started to be observed again. With the return of mucilage, inspections in the Sea of Marmara Basin have intensified. The Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change conducted 389 inspections in 7 provinces between January 6-10 as part of the 22-item Action Plan for the Sea of Marmara implemented to combat mucilage. Administrative fines of varying amounts were imposed on businesses causing water pollution in Tekirdağ, Yalova, and Balıkesir due to actions contrary to environmental legislation and the discharge of polluted water. 4.3 MILLION LIRA FINE FOR TEKİRDAĞ AND BALIKESİR MUNICIPALITIESA total administrative fine of 4 million 346 thousand 465 lira was imposed on the Water and Sewerage Administration of Tekirdağ Metropolitan Municipality and 3 wastewater treatment plants operated by Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality, which were found to be operating contrary to the procedures and principles set forth in environmental legislation. INSPECTIONS CONTINUEA total administrative fine of 6 million 49 thousand 136 lira was imposed on an olive processing facility and a waste processing facility in Tekirdağ, a ready-mixed concrete facility in Yalova, and an organized industrial zone in Balıkesir. The ministry teams continue their inspections in the Marmara Basin.