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The Ministry of Education has made a statement regarding the allegations that Minister Tekin sent a message requesting favoritism: It definitely did not happen.

The Ministry of Education has made a statement regarding the allegations that Minister Tekin sent a message requesting favoritism: It definitely did not happen.

27.06.2024 19:01

The Ministry of National Education has made a statement regarding the allegations that Minister Yusuf Tekin requested favoritism for a student from a provincial director through a text message. In the statement, it is said that "There has definitely been no such correspondence." It was also announced that legal action will be taken regarding the news in question.

The Ministry of National Education (MEB) stated that the television news claiming that Minister Yusuf Tekin "requested favoritism for a student from the provincial director in a phone conversation" does not reflect the truth.


The ministry's statement reminded that a television channel broadcasted news containing allegations such as "The Minister of National Education sent the document of a student who will take the talent exam to the provincial director and asked 'Can you help?'", and "The provincial director requested favoritism for the student in the phone conversation."

The statement emphasized that the news is completely baseless and stated the following: "There has definitely been no such correspondence by our Minister, as claimed in the news. This situation has been conveyed to the relevant broadcasting institution, information about the legal processes has been shared, and as a result, it has been reported to our Ministry that the mentioned news has been removed from publication."


We invite the media organization mentioned in this news, which is contrary to press professional principles, to apologize to the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Turkey for this slander. However, the dissemination of this false news continues on various platforms, especially on social media.


It should be known that our Ministry will initiate legal action against those who conduct a defamation and slander campaign against our Ministry on almost every platform, and those who make systematic character assassination attempts against our Minister by publishing this false news. It is important for our citizens not to trust these and similar organizations that manipulate the society with lies, falsehoods, slander, and distortions.

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