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The moment when death brushed past in Hakkari! It was able to stop by crashing into a pole.

The moment when death brushed past in Hakkari! It was able to stop by crashing into a pole.

27.09.2024 11:53

In Hakkari, a pickup truck grazed a person crossing the road and crashed into a pole on the bridge. Fortunately, there were no injuries in the accident, but the vehicle sustained material damage.

In the evening hours, a truck, whose driver's name and license plate are unknown, lost control for an unknown reason at the Katramas Bridge in the Karşıyaka neighborhood of Hakkari.


The out-of-control truck barely missed a person crossing the road and was able to stop by crashing into a pole on the bridge. Fortunately, no one was injured in the accident, but the vehicle sustained material damage.

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