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The process of change continues in the AK Party! Ali İhsan Delioğlu, the Provincial Chairman of Şanlıurfa, has also been dismissed from his duty.

The process of change continues in the AK Party! Ali İhsan Delioğlu, the Provincial Chairman of Şanlıurfa, has also been dismissed from his duty.

27.06.2024 20:26

The renewal process that started in the organizations after the local elections in the AK Party continues. Most recently, Ali İhsan Delioğlu, the AK Party Provincial Chairman in Şanlıurfa, where the candidate of the Welfare Party won the election in the local elections on March 31, was dismissed from his position.

In the local elections on March 31, the AK Party, which has been the stronghold of Şanlıurfa for many years, lost Şanlıurfa to the Welfare Party, and the bill was cut to Şanlıurfa AK Party Provincial Chairman Ali İhsan Delioğlu. Delioğlu was dismissed after the decision of the AK Party Central Headquarters.


It is among the information that Ali İhsan Delioğlu told his colleagues in the provincial management meeting the other day, "The central headquarters has decided to continue with me"... It was learned that Delioğlu, who was dismissed from the provincial chairmanship, is currently being tried to be reached by phone by the members of the provincial management, but they cannot reach him.


In the local elections held on March 31, Mehmet Kasım Gülpınar, the candidate for Şanlıurfa Metropolitan Municipality from the Welfare Party, won with 38.87% of the votes. Zeynel Abidin Beyazgül, the former Mayor of Şanlıurfa, who was re-nominated by the AK Party, could only get 33.64% of the votes.


After the MYK meeting chaired by President Erdoğan the other day, changes were made in 7 provinces. Within this scope, Faruk Bülent Kablan was appointed as the Provincial Chairman of Adıyaman, and Turgay Şahin was appointed as the Provincial Chairman of Afyonkarahisar. Alpay Kabadayı was appointed as the Provincial Chairman of Erzincan, and the seat in the Provincial Chairman of Gaziantep was transferred to Fatih Muhaddis Fedaioğlu. The provincial chairmen were also changed in Kastamonu, Osmaniye, and Zonguldak.


In his speech at the 31st Consultation and Evaluation Meeting held in Kızılcahamam on May 31-June 2, President Erdoğan said the following: "We will address the 'negative polarization' between May 14-28 and the election results of March 31 in all its aspects, without resorting to simplification. We have met with our provincial chairmen, as well as our central headquarters committees, and had the opportunity to listen to their opinions firsthand. We consulted the views of our friends whose opinions we value. We are evaluating our assessments on a province and district basis one by one. We are clarifying the picture and determining our roadmap and steps to be taken in the light of the information we have gathered from different channels. Those who cannot receive a passing grade from the voters cannot be worthy of our approval. We are aware of all the expectations conveyed to us by our people, especially the demand for change and renewal, through the election results. We will definitely fulfill the requirements of these messages when the time comes."

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