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The reaction of the deaf girl who heard her father's voice for the first time moved everyone.

The reaction of the deaf girl who heard her father's voice for the first time moved everyone.

21.09.2024 10:00

The American couple, the Consevages, learned that their daughter Zoey was deaf when she was two months old. Zoey, who has genetic hearing loss, underwent cochlear implant surgery when she was 10 months old. When the implant was activated, the moment their daughter heard for the first time was recorded. Now two years old, Zoey does not use the implant every day and sometimes communicates using sign language. Her family notes that watching Zoey's firsts, such as speaking, singing, and dancing, is very special.

Lynne and Travis Consevage, a couple living in Indiana, USA, learned that their daughter Zoey was completely deaf when she was two months old. Doctors determined that a genetic cause present in both parents led to this condition.

When Zoey was 10 months old, her family decided to have her undergo cochlear implant surgery. This device helps individuals who are deaf or have severe hearing loss to perceive sounds. A few weeks after the surgery, on April 25, the implant was activated.

The moment the implant was turned on for the first time was recorded on camera. In the video, when Travis calls his daughter's name, Zoey immediately turns to her father. Mother Lynne recalls that moment, saying, "Oh my God, it worked!"

Now two years old, Zoey does not use the implant every day. When she is not using it, she communicates using sign language. Her family started learning sign language as soon as they found out Zoey was deaf.

Lynne says, "Sometimes when she is sick, she can experience hearing fatigue and wants to turn off her implant." However, the implant has opened up a world of new experiences for Zoey.

The parents note that watching their daughter learn to speak, sing for the first time, and dance is very special. Lynne adds, "These big moments have become so much more meaningful."

This emotional story shows how modern medicine can change the lives of deaf children and gives hope to families.

The reaction of the deaf girl hearing her father's voice for the first time moved everyone
The reaction of the deaf girl hearing her father's voice for the first time moved everyone
The reaction of the deaf girl hearing her father's voice for the first time moved everyone
The reaction of the deaf girl hearing her father's voice for the first time moved everyone

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