The series "Kötü Kan," featuring famous names such as Ertan Saban, Damla Sönmez, Hüseyin Avni Danyal, and Levent Ülgen, surprised viewers with its finale in yesterday's episode. The show, which lasted only 6 episodes, unexpectedly bid farewell to the screen. VIEWERS REACTED TO THE EARLY FINALEViewers expressed great discontent over the show's abrupt ending. Comments made on social media included statements like, "Another good series fell victim to ratings," "Even with such a good cast, it seems it didn't work out, what a shame," and "It's very interesting that they decided to end such a series." The admiration for the show quickly turned into deep disappointment due to its short duration. STRUGGLED AGAINST STRONG COMPETITORS ON FRIDAY NIGHTSThe reason for the show's cancellation is attributed to low ratings. "Kötü Kan," which aired on Friday nights, could not compete with popular productions such as "Kızılcık Şerbeti," "Yalı Çapkını," "Kara Ağaç Destanı," and "Arka Sokaklar," which aired at the same time. Viewers believe that this competition determined the fate of the series. The show's end is seen as an indication that it could not attract enough interest despite its quality cast. The audience hoped for such a production to remain on screen for a longer time.