The Social Security Institution (SGK) responded to the statement made by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality (ABB) regarding the debt restructuring process. SGK stated that it is not possible to acquire real estate with liens, annotations, or mortgages on them due to legal regulations, while ABB claimed that these allegations do not reflect the truth. "IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO ACQUIRE REAL ESTATE WITH LIENS"In a written statement made by SGK, it was stated, "It is not possible for SGK to acquire real estate with liens, annotations, or mortgages on it due to the fact that it has 'no sales capability' as required by the legislation. A great sensitivity is being exercised in this matter in order to protect the public interest." The statement also noted that to date, more than 1,200 real estate transfers have been made to SGK from municipalities affiliated with different political parties, but none of these properties had liens, annotations, or mortgages. SGK pointed out that some of the real estate presented by ABB had liens, stating, "The proposal to transfer properties with liens, annotations, or mortgages to SGK is either due to a lack of information or an attempt to deceive the public. Instead of this approach, which is incompatible with the seriousness of the state, a transparent process will be managed when properties with sales capability are proposed. SGK will always continue to guide municipalities that wish to close their debts." ABB: WE PRESENTED 572 PROPERTIES FOR THE RESTRUCTURING OF OUR DEBTS TO SGKIn a statement regarding the issue, ABB said, "As the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, we presented 572 valuable and marketable properties, such as Anafartalar Bazaar, for the restructuring of our debts to SGK. However, these have been ignored and distorted with completely false claims that 'a toilet was proposed'." The statement continued, "Now let's address the reality of the toilet. The Anafartalar Bazaar, which has 525 independent sections, including a toilet and a storage area, was acquired from SGK in 2016 with a tripartite protocol. On September 2, 2024, 30 plots of land and the entire Anafartalar Bazaar, consisting of 525 sections, were reported to SGK as collateral. Just as the toilets were handed over without being removed from the title deed when this bazaar was acquired from SGK, the toilet, storage area, and ATM locations have also been presented as collateral. The total value of these lands is 1 billion 193 million 350 thousand lira, while the total lien amount on them is approximately 3 million lira. In this case, was it difficult to accept the lien amount as a deduction from the value, or did it suit you better not to accept these lands in line with the instruction to 'shake them off'?"